

Welcome to Rediscovering Morgan!

I met my husband at the ripe old age of 20 years old. By the time I was 21 I was married, working full-time as a computer programmer, and mother to a beautiful active baby boy! In that short time, and since then, I have been able to feel more love from and for those two (and now a third - our second baby boy) than I ever thought was possible. I thoroughly enjoy being a mother and wife and spending time with my family.
Me and da Hubs the day we tied the knot.

In an effort to make my family a priority I found that I had allowed a lot of my very favorite things to drop out of my life. I found myself asking, "Do I even have any hobbies??" When it came down to it, I couldn't answer my question affirmatively.

I started this blog in an effort to find myself again, to find out what I enjoy and, further, if I'm any good at those things. I've spent the last several years telling myself that I'm not a crafty person, I'm not a great cook, and that I'm not very fun at all. I know none of those things are true, and I am now on an adventure to rediscover myself and all the things I once loved (and lots of new things too)!

I hope you can join me in my rediscovery and find something new about yourself in the process!

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